Diving Trip to Tioman Island

I'll be going for a scuba diving trip to Tioman Island in June. To be exact, 20th of June 2008 for 3 days and 2 nights. I'll be staying at Salang Island Resort with some friends. This will be my first diving trip in more than 10 years. I have to do a refresher course in Tioman before I can actually dive. I obtained my open water certification from NAUI in 1991.
I won't be flying to Tioman as it will be too costly to fly on my own or on Berjaya Air. I'll just get a ride to the jetty in Mersing from Dino, my long lost friend who will be joining me for this trip. From Mersing we will then take a ferry to the island.
I've sold most of my diving stuff 5 years ago except for my BC and dive suite, which are now too small for me fit in, fins, weight belt, weights, snorkel, mask, compass, knife, torch light, dive chart (wheel), log book, booties and glove. Looks like I have to rent the rest for this trip as I have no plans to buy new stuff.
I'm actually planning for just 3 or 4 dives during this trip. The rest of my time on the island will be for DXing on 20 meters. I'll bring along my HAM radio and antennas for this trip and I hope the resort has 24 hours electricity supply.
Looking forward to this trip in June and more updates will be available when I get back.
73 de 9M2NAZ